collage & design

drawing/collage, approx 7 x 9 inches, no “up” but displayed vertically

My first drawing of an abstract design doesn’t usually turn out very well. I did use even a sort of reference (just so that decisions wouldn’t be completely random). The drawing still didn’t work. So I cut it up and pasted it onto a page the same size as the drawing. A few holes remain since I was imprecise in gluing it together. These accidental spaces seem to work well. I suppose I should think of them as simply colors in their own right. I definitely like the collage better than the drawing.

The chief difference between what I drew and what I got when rearranging the fragments was a better patterning of warm verses cool passages. All the colors that were in the drawing are merely rearranged into different positions. And, of course, the lines and shapes are changed as well.

I’m learning this stuff. I’ll soon have a collection of these abstract designs. I can then choose the ones I like best to become paintings.


    • It’s a new experience for me somewhat. When I’m drawing things I see, there’s a road map (so to speak) provided by the things. But in this purely decorative mode, perhaps there’s an embarrassment of freedom. The cutting and rearranging help to reign the freedom in somewhat. Then it’s more like assembling a puzzle. At least the pieces all already exist.

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