How to Trim the Dog’s Nails

middle of the night drawing after Cezanne’s apples

When your dog is a Rockstar with nails out to here, and is terrified of nail clippers and is inclined to bite, what do you do? You get him some drugs. Then you wait. And you keep him awake each time he tries to go to sleep. Then sometime in the middle of the night when both you and the dog are exhausted, you pull out a book on Cezanne along with some neocolor 1 crayons and a notebook and you start drawing apples while also holding the dog’s paw and cooing reassuring things to him.

Waiting, paw holding, bold draw-it-in-your sleep sketching, early stage….

As soon as you see your opportunity, you grab the clippers and SNIP! “Good dog!”

Two nails snipped (see below), more to go. Very sleepy dog, but the apples are coming along, and I can still hold a crayon….

Rinse, repeat.

Morning has arrived. Last stage of the nail-trim drawing is featured at the top of the post. Dog nails are not quite finished but we’ve made tremendous progress! Doggie needs some sleep. And so do I.